International Treaty Ratification Votes Database (ITRVD), version #1.0

The International Treaty Ratification Votes Database (ITRVD) includes data on 6,010 parliamentary votes on the ratification of international treaties for the period between 1990 and 2019 in Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

We provide the following files and documentation for version #1.0 of the database:

You can also find the datasets on the Harvard Dataverse:

In papers or publications using this database, we ask users to refer to the database as the International Treaty Ratification Votes Database and cite documentation as follows:

  • Ostermann, Falk and Wolfgang Wagner. 2023. “Introducing the International Treaty Ratification Votes Database”. Foreign Policy Analysis 19(4), October 2023, orad023,